Health & Health Care Consulting

Consultoría de salud y atención sanitaria

Nuestro equipo de consultoría colabora con usted para mejorar la salud y la atención médica en todos los niveles de su sistema, ya sea en su organización, región o nación. Le brindamos la experiencia, los métodos, las herramientas y las mejores prácticas para abordar los desafíos que enfrenta hoy.


IHI Consulting Services Address Your Most Important Challenges

IHI’s experienced consulting team partners with you to improve health and health care at all levels of your organization, system, region, or nation. We support your organization to improve processes and demonstrate results that matter to patients, families, communities, the health care workforce, and leaders in scalable and sustainable ways.

Our renowned subject matter experts and improvement advisors have extensive backgrounds in improvement methods, assessment, strategy development, and implementation in health systems and hospitals. They bring deep expertise, breadth of experience, and passion for the work of improvement and address your current challenges while also building capability and systems for your organization to continuously improve and excel, both today and in the future.

IHI provides the expertise, methods, tools, and best practices to address the challenges you face — whether you’re seeking to:

  • Achieve measurable improvements in outcomes
  • Implement and scale up evidence-based practices
  • Build improvement skills and capability in your workforce
  • Establish and implement a quality strategy
  • Accelerate and sustain quality improvement
  • Transform your organizational culture or redesign your system

Fomentar una cultura de mejora continua de la calidad

Ayudamos a construir una estrategia de calidad e impulsamos una cultura de mejora continua de la calidad en todo un sistema o nación, trabajando en todos los niveles, desde el liderazgo hasta el punto de atención.

Acelerar la mejora

A través de la implementación confiable de herramientas, métodos y marcos de MC, IHI ha apoyado la aceleración de mejoras en áreas prioritarias estratégicas como la seguridad del paciente, la salud maternoinfantil, el flujo hospitalario, el valor, el bienestar de la fuerza laboral y la alegría en el trabajo, y la edad. -Atención amigable.

IHI Helps You Achieve Goals and Drive Impact

As a non-profit organization guided by our mission, vision, and values, working in partnership with IHI, we ensure that the specific needs of your organization are identified and addressed. We support your organization throughout its improvement journey.

Our Approach

IHI applies innovative and practical scientific improvement methods that enable transformation of health and care systems around the world. We provide consulting and implementation support to improve clinical and population health at scale, reliably and sustainably, in partnership with institutions across the global health ecosystem.

Our consulting team is guided by the following twin goals:

  1. Develop deep partnerships with health institutions that enable them to demonstrate results that matter to patients, families, communities, the workforce, and leaders in scalable and sustainable ways.
  2. Ensure enduring improvement science capability in our partner institutions by building systems that enable the workforce to do their jobs at high quality and improve upon it on an ongoing basis.

To ensure that your organization’s specific needs are addressed, IHI’s approach includes:

  • Facilitative role for true local ownership and sustainability
  • Results-oriented, data-driven methods
  • Co-creation is at the core of project designs
  • Adaptive design that builds on local knowledge and learning from your system
  • Tailored quality improvement  professional development programs for a wide range of professionals across all levels

We focus on sustainability within your organization. By empowering you with the necessary knowledge and tools and providing our expert insights, you will be well-equipped to continue improving even after the consulting engagement concludes. 

Our Team

We provide access to cutting-edge knowledge and innovations in health care systems from around the world and help accelerate improvement in health care and other industries. IHI’s subject matter experts and improvement advisors are a diverse, global community of professionals with backgrounds in clinical settings, public health, community health, adult education, social sciences, improvement science, project management and many more.

In partnership with IHI, you’ll collaborate with our measurement and statistical experts, research and evaluation specialists, and experienced innovators. IHI brings proven approaches for both strategy and on-the-ground implementation. We work side-by-side with you to ensure that the strategies and ideas for change can be implemented, understood, and embraced by your staff to achieve your strategic goals.


Soluciones personalizadas para sus desafíos

IHI puede ayudarlo a enfrentar sus mayores desafíos. Diseñamos soluciones junto con usted en función de su contexto único, oportunidades de mejora y activos para permitir que su organización y sus equipos adopten prácticas comprobadas que mejoren la salud individual y de la población.

Contacte con nuestro equipo de consultoría
IHI Health and Health Care Consulting
IHI Health and Health Care Consulting: Who We Help

Who We Help

IHI has helped thousands of health care, public health, and community leaders foster a culture of quality, safety, equity, learning, and improvement that reliably and sustainably meets the evolving needs of patients, populations, communities, and the workforce.
Learn More

Líder Senior

Fundación del Servicio Nacional de Salud para la Salud Mental de Birmingham y Solihull

Fundación del Servicio Nacional de Salud para la Salud Mental de Birmingham y Solihull

“Trabajar con IHI ha sido una experiencia de aprendizaje muy profunda y positiva. Nos brindaron opiniones expertas basadas en evidencia y sus recomendaciones nos ayudaron a abordar nuestros desafíos de manera inteligente y a dar forma a nuestras aspiraciones”.

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