Leadership Alliance Australia and New Zealand

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Leadership Alliance Australia and New Zealand

A Dynamic Collaboration of Regional Health and Health Care Leaders

Health care needs bold, visionary leaders with the courage to imagine, design, and scale new models to achieve outcomes that better meet the needs of those they serve. 

The Institute for Healthcare Improvement (IHI) Leadership Alliance Australia and New Zealand (Leadership Alliance ANZ) is a dynamic collaboration of progressive health and health care delivery leaders in the region who are committed to striving together to improve the health of populations, enhance the patient experience, reduce costs, ensure health care worker well-being, and advance health equity.

A true learning and innovation community, the Leadership Alliance ANZ will be united by this common vision to transform health systems, tackle seemingly intractable challenges, and improve health outcomes. 

The 2024–2025 IHI Leadership Alliance Australia and New Zealand membership year begins in June 2024.


The IHI Leadership Alliance ANZ will be responsive to member needs and focus on what is most valuable to network members. Participating organisations will guide decisions on membership to ensure alignment with the vision, diversity of organisation types, and numbers of participating members. We will also leverage learning from two highly successful IHI networks, the Leadership Alliance (North America) and the Health Improvement Alliance Europe.

Members of the IHI Leadership Alliance ANZ will:

  • Work with one another and in partnership with their patients, workforces, and communities to accelerate improvements and effectively respond to shared challenges
  • Network, share ideas, and learn together via in-person meetings, web-based conferences, and digital exchange
  • Gain insights on innovative approaches and best practices to facilitate the rapid spread of impactful improvements to address the evolving needs of their communities

Who Should Join

Prospective members of the IHI Leadership Alliance ANZ include leaders in a range of senior roles:

  • Board members and non-executive leaders
  • Chief executives
  • Senior executives
  • Emerging senior leaders with specific responsibility for quality, safety, improvement, and innovation

Leadership Alliance ANZ Benefits and Fees

Join the IHI Leadership Alliance Australia and New Zealand

To learn more or to apply for organizational membership in the IHI Leadership Alliance ANZ , please email apac@ihi.org.


Leadership Alliance ANZ Activities

Download Leadership Alliance ANZ Prospectus

Download the IHI Leadership Alliance Australia and New Zealand Prospectus to learn more about the Alliance and how your organisation can join this remarkable group of health care innovators.

Download Prospectus
IHI Leadership Alliance Australia and New Zealand